HHO Hydrogen Generator for Boilers -okayenergy
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HHO Hydrogen Generator for Boilers
As the traditional fossil fuel insufficient combustion,it releases hydrocarbons, carbon monoxide, or carbon dioxide emissions which are harm to the human and the environment.Hydrogen gas (H2) burns with intense heat. In air, hydrogen burns with a flame temperature of 2045° C. In contrast, methane (natural gas) burns at only 1325° C. Hydrogen can therefore be used to produce steam at a higher temperature than is achievable with fossil fuel fired boilers.
HHO Hydrogen Generator for boilers consumes water and electricity, electrolyze water into hydrogen gas and oxygen gas, we can use H2 and O2 as source of flame replacing LPG, Propane, Acetylene fuel or natural gas or other oil. HHO gas flame is concentrated.However,the fossil fuel flame is spread and weak.HHO gas temperature is as higher as 2800degree.When burning,we can add HHO hydrogen gas from HHO generator for boiler into the burner to change the shape of flame and hot heating therefore sufficient combustion.
We would like to reply you the following simple questions you may have:
Q1:For the boilers,is your hho gas(brown's gas) can be alternative gases to replace of fossil fuels LPG,natural gas,gasoline,coal etc?
A1:Not yet.The brown's gas generator play a role of combustion supporting, providing higher temperature for heating and sufficient combustion in combustion chamber.HHO generator for boilers just worked as accessory equipment like water feeding pump in boilers.
Q2:What kind of boilers can be mostly used with your hho generators?
A2:As our project cases and experience,the most boiler types are industrial gas/oil fired steam boilers.And some is home heating boilers.
Q3.How do we choose the HHO generator models for boilers?
A3:We have small OH100-OH600 and large models OH1500-OH10000 with different output gas.
Usually,we recommend HHO generator models based on the boilers capacity T/H or HP.
Q3:Does your hho generator automatical working continuely 24hours?
A3:Yes.HHO generator generates hho gas as needed.