Celebration Okay Energy's 13th Anniversary
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Celebration Okay Energy's 13th Anniversary

Okay Energy celebrates its 13th birthday in this golden autumn October.

Firstly,thank you very much for great support and help from our customers and friends.
In the past 13 years,Okay Energy has left a strong footprint.We innovated hho technology and obtained a number of honors and patents. The products have been recognized by customers in many applications and areas. The brilliant achievements in the past 13 years is also the result of hard working of all the staff. To express the great thanks to all employees,we had a family party on its birthday.

After the party was arranged well in the morning,we had a rich Chinese dinner at noon.

The family party was hold with a relaxed game at 2 p.m. We watched company videos and photos and enjoyed the past warm moments. Then the General Manager Mrs He and Vice General Manager Mrs Chen made a short speech to review our past and express best wishes and expectations. The birthday cake came out at the moment. We sang the song and said Happy Birthday to Okay Energy!

                                                                                 General Manager Mrs He

                                                                          General Manager Mrs He(the left) and Vice General Manager Mrs Chen(the right)

Our boss also prepared a gift and red bags for each employee. 

Then we enjoyed the beautiful music,sang the songs and tasted snacks at the same time. The most exciting moment was that we also have the chance to draw the big red bags.We had a relaxing family birthday party this afternoon

We will continue to expand business and distribution cooperation with new and potential products in the near future.We do wish common development hand in hand and creating brilliance together.