Okay Energy Supports Public Welfare Undertakings
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Okay Energy Visiting Boai Sunshine Home
On the morning of March 28, the Changsha City Federation of Industry and Commerce and Okay Energy Euipment Co., Ltd. carried out a special visiting and condolences to the Boai Sunshine Home Care Service Center for the Intellectually Disabled in Kaifu District, Changsha City. In-depth understanding of the living and learning environment of the disabled, observing and feeling the difficulties of the disabled in learning and employment, and at the same time sending care and blessings as much as possible.

Boai Sunshine Home in Kaifu District, Changsha City is a charitable organization established in 2010, dedicated to providing free nursing services for the mentally handicapped and providing assistance to disabled families.

(Wang Jing, the vice chairman of the Changsha Federation of Industry and Commerce, Chen Pengke, director of the membership office, Peng Shuguang, deputy director, and He Jiajuan, general manager of Okay Energy, attended the event.)

(Director Liu Xiao and his staff gave a detailed introduction of Boai Sunshine Home)

"Thank you for coming to visit the children, you are all kind people!" Director Liu Xiao, who was affectionately called "Mother Liu" by the mentally handicapped "children" of the Bo'ai Sunshine Home in Kaifu District, Changsha City, told everyone about the process of running the kindergarten And the original intention and mission of "letting people in need feel respect and love". In the warm atmosphere at the scene, everyone deeply felt the love and persistence of the disabled and public welfare.

(The general manager of Okay Energy donated ¥10,000 to Boai Sunshine Home)

Through this activity, we have a deeper understanding of the importance of the cause of the disabled, we also know our responsibilities and the profound meaning of serving the people. Okay Energy pays tribute to Bo'ai Sunshine Home and all the people who help the disabled! The company will also continue to support public welfare undertakings, so that those in need can feel respect and love.